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Broadneck Area Youth Sports


Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

County Basketball

County - This is a competitive league where we will be playing in the league run by Anne Arundel County Park and Rec for boys and girls ages 8-17. Some of the older teams will also have an opportunity to participate in other leagues, or tournaments, during the winter season. There will be tryouts held in mid October. If you are unsure whether to play County or Community, please register for County and tryout. If your son or daughter tries out for County and does not make a County team, they will be automatically assigned to a Community team, and you will be refunded the difference in registration costs. While BAYS does run tryouts to ensure that every kid receives a fair evaluation, Coaches do have input in the final roster. If anyone is interested in coaching a county team and would like more information on how teams are developed, please contact Bob Gregory and TJ Davis.

The age bracket your child will play in is based on their age as of September 1st! Anne Arundel County allows you to play up into County basketball as long as your son or daughter is 8 years old by the start of the first game, which is typically around 12/1, but no telling when that'll be this year. If your child is 7 years old and you are interested in him or her trying out for an 8U county team, please sign up for the 6-7 league and send an email to [email protected] and we'll make sure that they get to try out for the 8U team.

Winter Basketball:

BAYS Basketball is dedicated to teaching fundamental aspects of the game of basketball. Our Mission is to develop the skills of youth players through instruction to build the necessary skills to succeed. We promote team play while building self-confidence. We offer a competitive county basketball program through our organization in which all teams compete in the Anne Arundel County Basketball League.

Age: 8-17 . We plan to have a team at all ages: 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U and 13U. If we have enough talented players we will have multiple teams at certain age groups.

If we have interest we will also have high school level teams. We generally have one to two teams at this level. High school level teams generally don't have tryouts and we work with the coaches to have friends play together. High School level games are played on Sunday's.

Season: (October-February) TBD - historically, games start in early December and go through the end of February/early March.

Uniforms: All Players will be given a reversible uniforms to keep.

Open Gyms: None at this time

Registration: $165

League Contacts:

County League Director: Bob Gregory


County Spring Basketball

If you have questions or problems, please read our Troubleshooting Guide.

Basketball Signal Chart

Contact Us


P.O. Box 732 
Arnold, Maryland 21012

Email Us: [email protected]
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